What a consistent feed says about your business | Online Tips | 3E Personal Branding Photography | 3E Photography

What a consistent feed says about your business

As a business professional in the modern age times have really changed. Having a business in Paso Robles CA twenty years ago is so different than it is now. This city was less populated and you really had to be going door to door or have great referrals because it was hard to reach people.

Now a days it is the complete opposite! We as business owners are lucky to have technology to reach more people in a shorter amount of time, but there is a catch…. There are more people doing what we are doing online and easy to find in an instant.

Consider social media your first impression to your audience.

If you don’t catch their attention or make a good professional impression they will not hesitate to keep looking. Don’t take it personally but maybe it is your images….. maybe you are not making the best first impression.

When you are consistent on you’re feed you are telling you’re audience that you are a professional. If you start showing things that tell the stories of what you do in a cohesive way this tells your audience that you will deliver. You will begin to build trust from your audience. Who doesn’t want that!

By showing up and being intentional it really helps your audience know you. It helps them know why they like you, it helps them know if they can trust you, and ultimately lead you to more people buying from you.

Now let me ask you a few questions and take a view point from your prospective client.

If I was to go to your feed or your website right now what would I see….

Do you have an old headshot from when you started your business, or better yet a phone picture up in your about me bio? Is your feed an after thought or just posting what you feel like at the moment? Are you posting a lot of stock images to try to get your message across?

If this is you….. Remember what I said you only have a few seconds to make that great first impression and be the professional in your field. Your audience will get to know who you are, why you do what you do and feel like they know what to expect from you. The know, like and trust factor will help you grow your business!

I can help you elevate your business and make it look cohesive, consistent and relatable on any platform. If you are ready to talk or have any questions reach out and contact me today. 

Personal Brand Photographer Paso Robles CA

Hi! I'm Elizabeth, a portrait and personal branding photographer. Helping to tell the stories of families and entrepreneurs. If you want to know more about me or my work click here. 

Follow along @3ephotographyca on Instagram.